Exams & Grading

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Νευροεπιστήμες. Διασύνδεση βασικής έρευνας με κλινική εφαρμογή

The evaluation of the performance of postgraduate students is graded from
zero (0) to ten (10), as follows:

- Excellent (8.5 to 10)
- Very Good (6.5 to 8.5 not included)
- Good (6 to 6.5 not included).

A passable grade in the exams of the program classes and the thesis is defined
as greater than or equal to 6. The final grade of the Graduate Diploma is
determined by the student's performance in the classes, and in the
postgraduate thesis. The final grade of the Graduate Diploma is determined
by the student's performance in the courses and in the graduate thesis.

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