Selection Process

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Νευροεπιστήμες. Διασύνδεση βασικής έρευνας με κλινική εφαρμογή

Selection of candidates is made by evaluation of the supporting documents, and a
personal interview of the candidates by the three-member admissions selection
committee. The total points resulting from the evaluation of the selection criteria
are counted as follows:


Maximum Score

Background Diploma Score


Previous research/ educational activity


Professional experience/ specialty related to the subject


Master’s or PhD Degree


Scores in undergraduate studies related to neurosciences


Personal interview


Certified Computer knowledge




The maximum number of points that the candidate can collect is 80 points.

The three-member Admissions Evaluation Committee compiles a complete list of all
candidates and, after the relevant review, rejects those who do not meet the minimum
criteria defined in the program description. Next, a personal interview is conducted, for the
candidates who have fulfilled the prerequisites.

Based on the total number of points obtained by each candidate from the interview and the
supporting documents submitted, the coordinating committee prepares the final evaluation
form. The evaluation form includes, in successive order, the candidates.

The final list of accepted students and any runners-up is validated by the General Assembly
of the Medical School and posted on the website of the program as well as on the website of
the AUTH School of Medicine. The selection process, issuing the results and registering the
successful candidates must be completed before the start of the 1st Semester of each
academic year.

Any oppositions to the candidate selection process may be submitted within a period of
five (5) working days from the announcement of the results. The Coordinating Committee
of the program reviews the objections and must inform the candidate about the result,
within a period of twenty calendar (20) days from the date of the objection.

The successful candidates should register at the program secretariat within 10 working
days from the notification of the list of successful candidates. In case of non-registration
of one or more candidates, runners-up are invited to register, in case they exist, based on
the order of approval.

The above-described candidate selection criteria may be reformed after a proposal by the
program Coordination Committee and approval by the General Assembly of the School of
Medicine, AUTH.

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