Α First Semester

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Νευροεπιστήμες. Διασύνδεση βασικής έρευνας με κλινική εφαρμογή

A1: Gross, Applied Anatomy and Embryology of the Nervous System
Sensorimotor mechanism and association cortex
Topographic and clinico-anatomical approach of the skull
Topographic and functional anatomy of the skull base
Macroscopic anatomy, connections and functionality of the cerebellum and the brainstem
Anatomy and functional significance of the Sella Turcica
Anatomy, relationships and functional significance of the Auditory system
Neuroanatomical approach to vision
Macroscopic anatomy and function of the cranial nerves
Vascular system of the brain
Physiological imaging and significance of anatomical variations of the arterial and venous network
Topography, connections and importance of the motor and sensory apparatus
Applied anatomy of the main neurosurgical approaches of the skull
Neuroendoscopic anatomy of the brain
Macroscopic and microscopic architecture of the spinal cord
Vascularization of the spinal cord
The autonomic nervous system. Regulation of Cardiovascular, Intestinal and Sexual Function
Embryology and congenital disorders of the Nervous System
Observasion at the Laboratory of Anatomy & Surgical Anatomy

A2. Neurophysiology - Research methodology in neurosciences
Principles of clinical research in neurosciences
Statistical analysis and tests in biomedicine
Systematic reviews and meta-analyses
Writing a neuroscience paper
Review and submission process of a neuroscience paper
Functional significance of nerve synapses - Excitation and inhibition
Physiology of the pituitary-hypothalamus axis
Principles of basic research in neuroscience - Experimental Models - Laboratory Animals in Neuroscience
Production and physiology of the cerebrospinal fluid
Contemporary data on the blood-brain barrier
Physiology of neurosensory functions
Experimental models of hypoxia-ischemia in the nervous system
Pathogenetic mechanisms and physiology of pain
Nervous system histology
Neural stem cells and applications
Brain Mapping
Cortical-subcortical brain structures and their functional significance
Spinal cord white matter bundles
Functional recovery after neural injury
Neural code - Neuroptics

A3: Neuro-psychopharmacology, Neurobiology and Neuropathology
Introduction to the biochemistry of the nervous system
Functional significance and biology of the neuroimmune system
Neuroprotection and neuroregeneration
Myelogenesis and developmental myelination
Demyelination, remyelination and experimental models
The biology of energy in the nervous system
Principles of pharmacodynamics - Pharmacokinetics in the nervous system
Neurotransmitters of the central nervous system
Neurotransmitters of the peripheral nervous system
Pharmacology of neurodegenerative diseases
Neuroanalgesia and neurosedation
The endocannabinoid system
Developmental neuropathology
Pathology of neurodegenerative diseases and neurovascular diseases
Molecular biology of nervous system diseases using proteomic analysis
Pathology of nervous system neoplasms
Observation at the laboratory of Pathology

A4: Diseases of the peripheral nervous system
Macroscopic & Functional Anatomy of the Peripheral Nerves
Gross anatomy and function of the extracranial nerves
Embryology of the peripheral nervous system
Spinal nerves, plexuses – Peripheral distribution and functional significance
Clinical examination of the peripheral nervous system
Entrapment neuropathies of the upper extremities – Etiology & treatment
Entrapment neuropathies of the lower extremities - Etiology & treatment
Systemic diseases and peripheral nerve involvement
Diseases of the brachial plexus
Mechanisms, surgical repair and outcome of peripheral nerve lesions
Traumatic injuries of the peripheral nerves – Surgical techniques
Observation at the Laboratory of Anatomy & Surgical Anatomy

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